Last Saturday, the 12th, We celebrated my 16th birthday! The theme was Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and we had some really awesome movie ticket style invites made. (See Left) As my dad kept telling us, we redecorated the house for 3 hours. We ended up moving the furniture in the living room into the garage so we had a huge space to just mingle and stuff. In our foyer we put one of our tall tables and placed some "fake old" books, a cool looking bottle with a "Drink Me" tag, a key, and a heart-shaped cake with a "Eat Me" tag stuck on with a toothpick. Remind you of anything?
We decorated our dining room to resemble the Red Queen's court. We flipped the tapestry and placed red felt hearts in the corners, made playing card mobiles and attached them to the hanging light, and my favorite, the rose bushes. We found Styrofoam balls and placed fake red roses into it. We also put some white ones sparsely around, the ones that hadn't been "painted red". Then we stuck a large branch into the bottom and placed the whole thing into a pot. Next to one of them we even went as far as to add a paint bucket with dripping red paint coming off the side and a red-dipped paint brush.
The living room resembled the garden. Our own moss green carpet was placed in the middle of the open space and a long table was positioned on the right wall, next to the windows. We had multiple mismatched pots lining the table and mixed up chairs for others to sit in. We covered the walls with a "Stone Wall Scene Setter" just to get the feel of a creepy garden. My sister and I made paper mache mushrooms and decorated them to place around the "garden". My mom made a cool draping effect with streamers and paper lanterns on the fan and we added a wall clock in the form of a pocket watch above the table. My mom ordered wings from Wing Stop & chicken nuggets from Chik-Fil-A and we made other tiny treats and randomly stuck "Eat Me" tags in them. Lastly, I made a playlist from my iPod and had it playing while the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland played on the TV on mute.
We played a funny game call the "Drink Me Game". I handed out random numbers to everyone and they took their place at the table according to them. Everyone had a cup and a small bottle similar to the one in the foyer. In that bottle was a mystery beverage, everyone on each side of the table had different drinks. The goal of the game was either side of the table had to drink some of their drink, then pass the remaining on to the next person. At the end of the game, the last person on either side ends up with 12 different drinks and they have to put them all in their cup and drink every last drop. The first side of the table to do it, wins. It was a really amusing game, some people would spill and others hated the taste so they made funny faces. It was hilarious.
It was a great party with a couple shenanigans here and there. You only turn 16 once and this definitely was a Sweet 16.